It is unrealistic to set out to make changes or reach for higher heights in your life without a plan. As a person of faith, I find it is important for me to reach for the ‘Rock’ Christ as the underlying ‘blueprint’ upon which to develop a plan, it only makes sense. This is a new journey and journal. I encourage you to join us as we work through the intricacies of change, new beginnings, and/or new paths. There will be various writers sharing their experiences. Here is our first, expounding on their spiritual blueprint....
The Blueprint
Proverbs 16:3 ” Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.” This scripture is the second brick I lay in my spirit to pave the way on this journey. Commitment is one of the commodities the corporate world demands of their top players. I always listed this attribute in my resume and cover letter, along with a million others, as we followed the resume’ experts suggestions. The reference to one’s commitment in the resume or cover letter is now cliche’ to employers, because there is no way to verify this until they hire you. Yet, this particular scripture remains the first point of reference I make for structure.
As I exit the corporate world and enter the writers entrepreneurial world, this attribute must be transferred. When you are your own boss, a specific directional obligation can become a bit blurred if you have no employees as of yet, or if ever. It is important to set a parameter of accountability in your life. I have chosen to commit my works to the Most High. This may also sound cliche’ I know I have heard it numerous times myself. Yet, here I am committing my efforts, work and overall process to the Most High. I practiced and maintained a similar level of commitment influenced by my early years as a believer, from Ephesians 6:5 ” Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.”
Recently, I’ve been examining the impression this scripture has made on my work ethic over the years. I realized I only sought to be the worker or servant and never the master. When I did make attempts to go after one of the many ideas I had for a business or career, I fell short not because of a lack of commitment in my character, but due to a misguided directional obligation. Allow me to simplify, my early years of Christian education instructed me to be obedient to parents, masters, authority figures, including bosses and to work with the effort for these individuals as though I was working for Christ. This is great, but now that I am grown, this actually does not apply to me in the same manner.
Structure at this point in my life is to look to the Most High as a boss who holds the blueprint. I will be on time, committed to his purpose in all of my efforts and depend on Him to establish my thoughts toward building and flourishing in this new life. There is still a Master in my life, but this one is the bishop and lover of my very soul. Only those who guide me in the same manner as Christ, on how to become a master of myself, are allowed to enter a space of trust in my life.
Christ did not hesitate to inform the inquisitors of his day, “When you have seen me you have seen the Father.” This was misinterpreted as Christ saying he was the Father, but in actuality what he was expressing was his devout love and commitment to the instruction of his Father. It was a seamless effort Christ expressed and encouraged us to take note of to follow the example he set. Therefore, I pursue each day in hopes that I can say when you’ve seen me you have seen Christ.
Now, my alarm is set, schedule is listed on my outlook calendar with reminders and I am ready to work Father.